Shark Pictures and Videos

Young lady holding up her blacktop shark in open water

Blacktip Shark

The Blacktip Shark is the most common shark we catch on our Shark Fishing Charters. Known to leap and spin while on the line, they will give you a fight you will never forget!

Very Large Bull Shark swimming just below the waters surface in Crystal River Florida

Bull Shark

We normally catch juvenile Bull Sharks in the 3-5 foot range, but on occasion we will hook into a massive Bull Shark that will offer you the fight of a lifetime! Not for the faint at heart!

Tiger Shark being released boat side by angler and captain

Tiger Shark

By far the largest sharks we hook on our charters,Tiger Sharks are the most common big shark we catch with sizes ranging from 5 - 12 Feet. We have caught multiple Sharks approaching the 1,000 pound range .

Happy fisherman about to release a hammerhead shark he has just surfaced

Hammerhead Shark

Probably the least common of the bigger sharks we catch, these unique looking sharks are always a welcome sight. Every season a few anglers are lucky enough to hook one.

Will you be the lucky client who catches one?

Young man holding up tagged Bonnethead Shark on Fishing Boat

Bonnethead Shark

A smaller version of the full size Hammerhead shark, these sharks are much more plentiful and are aggressive eaters in the shallow water. This Bonnethead Shark was tagged and released as part of The Gray Fish Tag Research Program.

Father and Son Holding Up a Cobia in Gulf of Mexico


Just one of the many species you might catch on one of our fishing charters. These hard fighting fish are known to swim with sharks and provide excellent table fare if a keeper size is caught.

Young couple holding up large grouper caught while fishing near shore

Gag Grouper

We are fortunate to have a healthy population of Gag Grouper in our shark fishing locations. It is not uncommon to catch a keeper Grouper on one of your fishing charters.

Teenage boy proudly holding upon his trophy Spanish Mackerel in Gulf of Mexico

Spanish Mackerel

One of the coolest looking fish we catch, these voracious eaters visit our chum line in schools and put up a great fight! The perfect fish for anglers of all ages and skill levels!

Large tarpon jumping out of water


One of the strongest and most athletic fish on the water. A tarpon is true trophy fish! Although tough to keep on the line, every year a few lucky anglers get to fight the fish of a lifetime!

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